
Transfers certification process Transfers logo icon

The following is a quick reference to the certification process. In this section we will give you all necessary information to complete the Certification process, which will ensure that your integration is ready to go Live.

Please consider, that carefully reading this section, and planning you implementation ahead, knowing what is going to be specifically requested by us, can lead to a much better experience and a sooner reaching of the goal: Being Live and ready to sell.

Please check the knowledge base, you can also contact us with any doubts or questions by email:

Before starting

Before we start with the certification process we will need some information from you:

  • Integration expectative, basic business model, big picture.
  • Are you making a direct integration or using an IT developer / platform (in case of using a IT developer / platform, please confirm)
  • List of operations that you have implemented
  • Development information: URL, User & Password (if accessible)
  • Commercial agreement with Hotelbeds is needed in order to complete the certification process and obtain LIVE credentials, buy we’ll offer development support. (Sign up here for commercial assistance)

Find here full fillable template so you can complete it and send us once you are ready to start certification process.

Confirm us the implemented operations:

Operation Implemented? (Y/N)
Availability One Way YES / NO
Availability Round Trip YES / NO
Availability Multi YES / NO
BookingCreate One Way YES / NO
BookingCreate Round Trip or more YES / NO
BookingDetail YES / NO
BookingCancel YES / NO
Cache Routes YES / NO

Confirm us the types of routes implemented :

Types of routes offered Implemented? (Y/N)
IATA (Airport) YES / NO
ATLAS (HB hotel codes) YES / NO
GIATA (GIATA hotel codes) YES / NO
Train station YES / NO
Port YES / NO


We are going to need the URL of your site, so we can review the way you have implemented the API and what information (as well as how it is shown) is being provide to your final customers. To do so, we will also need any possible credentials.

  • URL:
  • User:
  • Pass:
  • Api-key:
  • Comments:

There are cases in which the business model is not aimed to provide a website for the final customer: it can be an intranet for a certain travel company, or a mobile app... In these cases, we will still need to review the technical implementation of the API and the info shown, and we will ask for alternative ways to do so:

  • Screenshots demonstrating each relevant step of a booking funnel, or
  • A video capture of a complete booking funnel, or
  • Maybe even a web meeting sharing screen and performing a full booking funnel.


The Certification process intention is to test and ensure that your team can get an additional external support in testing the functionality and implementation of the relevant and mandatory information.

The certification process will be adapted to the funnel agreed at the beginning of the process.

Why do we mandate for some information to be shown or provided to the customer? To avoid issues with the final consumer, or he/she is being misled by any incorrect information.

Our team is focused on ensuring that the final consumer is not going to have any problems.

This is ultimately converting to customer satisfaction and no issues.


As part of the integration process, there is some relevant information that must be provided to the client at some point during the booking funnel.

We don't want to restrict or constraint the way you implement your booking funnel at all, however, we must make sure that we do provide all relevant information to the end consumer.

We will not tell you how many pictures, for example, you must show, but we will require you to provide (if returned) the information on cancellation policies that apply to the product that is being booked.

You can find below the list of all the relevant information that is mandatory to provide to the customer.

Product List :

  • Pickup Location
  • Destination Location
  • Service Date
  • Pickup Time
  • Product Name
  • Service Information
  • Total Service Price
  • Currency
  • Service Picture (not mandatory)
  • Paxes Distribution
  • Customer_max_waiting_time
  • Supplier_max_waiting_time_domestic

Product Details/Product Choose/Before confirmation:

  • Pickup Location
  • Destination Location
  • Service Date
  • Pickup Time
  • Product Name
  • Transfer Description
  • Transfers Details Information
  • Total Service Price
  • Currency
  • Cancellations Policies
  • Service Picture (not mandatory)
  • Paxes Distribution
  • Customer Transfer Time Info
  • Supplier Transfer Time Info
  • Reconfirmation website info (if applied, mustCheckPickupTime=true), especially for outbound services that require to reconfirm the pick-up time at, also with the minimum prior time required.

Voucher information

  • Reference number | Returned in “/bookings.reference”
  • Date in which the transfer was confirmed | Returned in “/bookings.creationDate”
  • Service dates | Returned in “/”
  • Lead pax name| Returned in “/” and “/bookings.holder.surname”
  • Pax distribution | Returned in “/bookings.transfers.paxes”
  • From/To details | Returned in “/bookings.transfers.pickupInformation.from.description” and “/”
  • Pickup date/time | Returned in “/” and “/bookings.transfers.pickupInformation.time”
  • Service name (full) | Returned in “/” and “/bookings.transfers.vehicle.category”
  • Service description | Returned in “/bookings.transfers.transferType”
  • Flight, Train number or vessel information. | Returned in “/bookings.transfers.transferDetails.”
  • Pickup description | Returned in “/bookings.transfers.transferRemarks.CONTRACT.description”
  • Reconfirmation website info (if applied, mustCheckPickupTime=true), especially for outbound services that require to reconfirm the pick-up time at, also with the minimum prior time required.
  • | Returned in “/bookings.transfers.pickup.checkPickup”
  • Emergencies numbers
  • Bookable and payable by HOTELBEDS* (being* the value returned in “/” )


Please note depending on the implemented features you can skip some tests, please make sure you have implemented all the features before.

Remember that depending of the type of terminal, different tags need to be provided:

Type Of terminal Field at confirmation Comments
IATA (Airport) transferDetails/transferDetail/type = FLIGHT -CODE Mandatory, max 7 characters
TRAIN transferDetails/transferDetail/type = TRAIN -CODE Mandatory, max 7 characters
-companyName: Optional (up to 100 chars)
PORT transferDetails/transferDetail/type = CRUISE -companyName Mandatory (up to 100 chars)
-CODE Optional

See certification tests:

Test # Description Description and steps
TEST1 Booking funnel confirm only DEPARTURE service 1.Search for service from Hotel Sistina (Atlas code 5643) to Rome, Ciampino Airport (IATA code CIA).
2.Select any service that has the field “mustCheckPickupTime” flagged as true.
3.Confirm the booking.
4.Generate the voucher including the information relative to the pick-up time.
5.Cancel the booking.
TEST2 Booking funnel confirm round trip (ARRIVAL+DEPARTURE) 1.Search for service from Barcelona Universal (Atlas code 57) to the Port of Barcelona (PORT code 277).
2.Select any service and perform a request for IN + OUT(separated calls)
3.Confirm the booking with both services.
4.Generate the voucher.
5.Cancel the booking.
TEST3 Booking funnel confirm only ARRIVAL service 1.Search for service from Hotel Hilton Barcelona (Atlas code 651) to Sants terminal (STATION code 930)
2.Select any service and perform a request of availability.
3.Confirm the booking.
4.Generate the voucher.
5.Cancel the booking.

Remember to always provide full workflow logs (from avail to cancel) with requested headers (enpoint, apikey, and parameters if any) as well as generated voucher.

Check also how the pickup times work so you develop the UI search form accordingly.


The technical implementation review is very simple: we will review how you have configured your requests and if you display the minimum required information form the response. Also, we will like to ensure that you are not sending multiple requests for one destination.

The controls here are to ensure that you are performing and executing the requests in an expected manner.

In this step we will also review your website (if applicable) and understand if all the mandatory information is being provided and if not, we will come back to you for further information or to ask you to perform the relevant changes.

We will also check that your voucher have the minimum information required on the previous steps.


This is the last step and it will mean that you have been certified and approved to go live.
At this time, you will be expecting to have a different Api-Key that you will need to change on your side as well as the host to connect.

The last step ones you are live is for us to review your LIVE process by executing one booking on your side and review the information that is given and generated voucher.
The check will only be to ensure that the bookings is well created. We will do it on your behalf and in agreement with you.

You will then be ready and LIVE!