
Activities Content Redesign (ACTRED)

Activities redesign is an updated content version for aptitude.

The most important NEW features are:

-Returning sessions code(RS/activity/modalities/rates/rateDetails/sessions).

The time of the modality.

-Returning languages code(RS/activity/modalities/rates/rateDetails/languages).

The language code of the modality.

-Returning enhanced segmentation (RS/activity/content/segmentationGroups).

More detailed segmentation of the activity (codes will change).

-Returning routes (RS/activity/content/routes).

The activity routes and points of interest near, very important for multi-day tours.

-Returning important information (RS/activity/content/importantInfo).

Activity specific important information.

-Returning redeem information (RS/activity/content/redeemInfo).

How to redeem the service (needed printed voucher, digital, or no need)

-Returning scheduling (RS/activity/content/scheduling).

Activity scheduling.

-Returning advanced tips (RS/activity/content/advancedTips).

Activity advances tips.

-Returning highlights (RS/activity/content/highligths).

Activity highlights.

-Returning Pickup instructions path RS/activity/content/location/startingPoints/pickupInstructions/

Additional description of the pickup.

-Geolocation path RS/activity/content/geolocation is removed and replaced with original path RS/activity/content/location/startingPoints/meetingPoint/geolocation (already provided in old version).

GPS of activity meeting point.

Please note, we’ll only return them if loaded.

We are currently migrating and updating activities content unfortunately it’s a long task and could take some time to complete content for all activities.

See some examples:

The left side is always with default content, right side is with ACTRED enabled.


As you can see, before the activities time, was a concatenation of modality name with all the features.

Now same modality rate can have different rateDetails, each one with specific session time, so can be easily managed by UI.


Same as before with the activities time, language was a concatenation of modality name with all the features.

Now same modality rate can have different rateDetails, each one with specific language, so can be easily managed by UI.


Segmentation structure/functionality has not been changed, instead new segmentation has been created.

Please make sure to map all codes again once we enable ACTRED, as same code could have different meaning now.


Routes are only returned if ACTRED is enabled.

See one example in multi-day documentation.

Important information:

Only returned with ACTRED enabled, will be an array of important information relevant for final customers.

Redeem information:

Provides information about how to redeem the voucher to enjoy the activity, possible values can be:

  • PRINTED” Need to provide a printed copy.
  • NONE” No need any voucher, supplier will have holder name, for example.
  • EVOUCHER” Show the voucher on your electronic devices.
  • VOCUHERLESS” Printed voucher or electronic version.

Api examples:

"redeemInfo": {
	"type": "PRINTED",
	"directEntrance": false,
	"comments": [{
			"description": "Printed Voucher. Print and bring the voucher to enjoy the activity."

"redeemInfo": {
	"type": "NONE",
	"directEntrance": false,
	"comments": [{
			"description": "Voucherless. You don’t need to bring any voucher (digital or printed)!"

"redeemInfo": {
	"type": "EVOUCHER",
	"directEntrance": false,
	"comments": [{
			"description": "E-voucher. Show the voucher on your mobile device to enjoy the activity."

"redeemInfo": {
	"type": "VOCUHERLESS",
	"directEntrance": false,
	"comments": [{
			"description": "Printed voucher or E-voucher. Print and bring the voucher or show the voucher on your mobile device to enjoy the activity."


Only returned if ACTRED is enabled.

Will provide information of activity scheduling.

Highlights :

Only returned with ACTRED enabled, will be an array of highlights relevant for final customers.

Geolocation/pickup instructions :

The old geolocation field RS/activity/content/geolocation has been removed and replaced with original path RS/activity/content/location/startingPoints/meetingPoint/geolocation (already provided in old version).

Regarding the Pickup instructions is a new field (RS/activity/content/location/startingPoints/pickupInstructions/) that will return additional information if needed.

How to determine if you have ADCTRED enabled?

You can also check with any of the new content structure, but the easiest way is to check if having ACTRED enabled is to see if you receive the field “RS/activity/content/lastUpdate” (pending date fix), if so, you are using ACTRED.

Finally, all defined API content and structure.

Here you can see all possible fields defined in our content API, some of them, will never be returned as long as we don’t load them or enable some specific functionalities (will contact customers before).

	"activitiesContent": [{
			"activityCode": "string",
			"activityFactsheetType": "TOURS",
			"advancedTips": [
			"contentId": "string",
			"countries": [{
					"code": "string",
					"destinations": [{
							"code": "string",
							"name": "string"
					"name": "string"
			"description": "string",
			"detailedInfo": [
			"featureGroups": [{
					"excluded": [{
							"description": "string",
							"featureType": "DRINKSINCL"
					"groupCode": "MEAL",
					"included": [{
							"description": "string",
							"featureType": "DRINKSINCL"
			"geolocation": {
				"latitude": 0,
				"longitude": 0
			"guidingOptions": {
				"groupType": "PRIVATE",
				"guideType": "TOURGUIDE",
				"included": true,
				"maxGroupSize": 0,
				"tips": "INCLUDED"
			"highligths": [
			"importantInfo": [
			"lastUpdate": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
			"location": {
				"endPoints": [{
						"description": "string",
						"meetingPoint": {
							"address": "string",
							"area": [{
									"code": "string",
									"description": "string",
									"geolocation": {
										"latitude": 0,
										"longitude": 0
							"city": "string",
							"country": {
								"code": "string",
								"destinations": [{
										"code": "string",
										"name": "string"
								"name": "string"
							"description": "string",
							"geolocation": {
								"latitude": 0,
								"longitude": 0
							"type": "LANDMARK",
							"zip": "string"
						"pickupInstructions": [{
								"code": "string",
								"description": "string"
						"type": "string"
				"startingPoints": [{
						"description": "string",
						"meetingPoint": {
							"address": "string",
							"area": [{
									"code": "string",
									"description": "string",
									"geolocation": {
										"latitude": 0,
										"longitude": 0
							"city": "string",
							"country": {
								"code": "string",
								"destinations": [{
										"code": "string",
										"name": "string"
								"name": "string"
							"description": "string",
							"geolocation": {
								"latitude": 0,
								"longitude": 0
							"type": "LANDMARK",
							"zip": "string"
						"pickupInstructions": [{
								"code": "string",
								"description": "string"
						"type": "string"
			"media": {
				"audios": [{
						"description": "string",
						"duration": {
							"description": "string",
							"metric": "DAYS",
							"type": "BEFORE",
							"value": 0
						"language": "string",
						"mimeType": "MP3",
						"name": "string",
						"resource": "string",
						"visualizationOrder": 0
				"documents": [{
						"description": "string",
						"language": [
						"mimeType": "MP3",
						"name": "string",
						"resource": "string",
						"tag": "MAP",
						"visualizationOrder": 0
				"images": [{
						"description": "string",
						"language": "string",
						"mimeType": "MP3",
						"name": "string",
						"urls": [{
								"dpi": 0,
								"height": 0,
								"resource": "string",
								"sizeType": "SMALL",
								"width": 0
						"visualizationOrder": 0
				"others": [{
						"description": "string",
						"language": "string",
						"mimeType": "MP3",
						"name": "string",
						"resource": "string",
						"visualizationOrder": 0
				"videos": [{
						"description": "string",
						"duration": {
							"description": "string",
							"metric": "DAYS",
							"type": "BEFORE",
							"value": 0
						"language": [
						"mimeType": "MP3",
						"name": "string",
						"resource": "string",
						"visualizationOrder": 0
			"modalityCode": "string",
			"modalityName": "string",
			"name": "string",
			"notes": [{
					"dateFrom": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
					"dateTo": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
					"descriptions": [{
							"code": "string",
							"description": "string"
					"visibleFrom": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
					"visibleTo": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z"
			"redeemInfo": {
				"comments": [{
						"code": "string",
						"description": "string"
				"directEntrance": true,
				"type": "EVOUCHER"
			"routes": [{
					"description": "string",
					"duration": {
						"description": "string",
						"metric": "DAYS",
						"type": "BEFORE",
						"value": 0
					"frequency": {
						"maximum": {
							"description": "string",
							"metric": "DAYS",
							"type": "BEFORE",
							"value": 0
						"minimum": {
							"description": "string",
							"metric": "DAYS",
							"type": "BEFORE",
							"value": 0
					"points": [{
							"description": "string",
							"descriptions": [{
									"code": "string",
									"description": "string"
							"order": 0,
							"pointOfInterest": {
								"address": "string",
								"area": [{
										"code": "string",
										"description": "string",
										"geolocation": {
											"latitude": 0,
											"longitude": 0
								"city": "string",
								"country": {
									"code": "string",
									"destinations": [{
											"code": "string",
											"name": "string"
									"name": "string"
								"description": "string",
								"geolocation": {
									"latitude": 0,
									"longitude": 0
								"type": "LANDMARK",
								"zip": "string"
							"stop": true,
							"stopTime": {
								"description": "string",
								"metric": "DAYS",
								"type": "BEFORE",
								"value": 0
							"timeFrom": "string",
							"timeTo": "string",
							"type": "string"
					"timeFrom": "string",
					"timeTo": "string"
			"scheduling": {
				"closed": [{
						"closeTime": "string",
						"from": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
						"lastAdmissionTime": "string",
						"openingTime": "string",
						"to": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
						"weekDays": [
				"duration": {
					"description": "string",
					"metric": "DAYS",
					"type": "BEFORE",
					"value": 0
				"opened": [{
						"closeTime": "string",
						"from": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
						"lastAdmissionTime": "string",
						"openingTime": "string",
						"to": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z",
						"weekDays": [
			"segmentationGroups": [{
					"code": 0,
					"name": "string",
					"segments": [{
							"code": 0,
							"icon": "string",
							"name": "string",
							"subSegments": [{
									"code": 0,
									"icon": "string",
									"name": "string",
									"order": 0
			"source": "ATLAS",
			"summary": "string",
			"venueIds": [{
					"type": "string",
					"value": "string"
	"auditData": {
		"acerequests": [
		"aceresponses": [
		"environment": "string",
		"processTime": 0,
		"serverId": "string",
		"time": "2021-02-11T12:58:51.754Z"
	"errors": [{
			"code": "string",
			"internalDescription": "string",
			"text": "string"
	"operationId": "string",
	"pagination": {
		"itemsPerPage": 0,
		"page": 0,
		"totalItems": 0