Booking Request Transfers logo icon

This method will allow you to confirm ratekeys, remember you can confirm one ratekey as well as multiples with same booking reference.



Request parameters








Top level




Requested language code




Booking holder/lead passenger information




Lead passenger first name




Lead passenger last name




Lead passenger contact email




Passenger phone number, in the international E.164 format


Array of transfer elements


List of requested transfer services




Information of one requested transfer service




Rate key to be confirmed taken from the availability step

RQ/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation Element N Custom information used to override default pickup information for the confirmation of GPS services
RQ/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/name String Y  Pickup address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the pickupInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/address String Y  Pickup address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the pickupInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/town String Y Pickup address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the pickupInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/country String Y Pickup address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the pickupInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/zip String Y Pickup address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the pickupInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/dropoffInformation String N Custom information used to override default dropoff information for the confirmation of GPS services
RQ/transfers/transfer/dropoffInformation/name String Y Dropoff address information.  NOTE: Mandatory field if the dropoffInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/dropoffInformation/address String Y Dropoff address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the dropoffInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/dropoffInformation/town String Y Dropoff address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the dropoffInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/dropoffInformation/country String Y Dropoff address information. NOTE: Mandatory field if the dropoffInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/dropoffInformation/zip String Y Dropoff address information.  NOTE: Mandatory field if the dropoffInformation element is sent in the request
RQ/transfers/transfer/transferDetails Array of transfer details elements Y Information about the ride from which the transfer will pick up passengers.
RQ/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail Element Y Ride information
RQ/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/type String Y Ride type. Possible values:
RQ/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/direction String Y Ride direction. Possible values:
RQ/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/code String Y Ride identification number(e.g., flight number). NOTE: The character limit in this field is 7 characters.
RQ/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/companyName String N Indicates the name of the company which operates the ride transport. NOTE: Normally used in ship transports.




Client internal booking reference




Comments. NOTE: The character limit in this field is 2000 characters.

Request example (one service)

	"language": "en",
    "holder": {
        "name": "John",
        "surname": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+16543245812"
    "transfers": [
            "rateKey": "ARRIVAL|IATA|BCN|ATLAS|398692|2024-01-11|15:25|2024-01-11|15:25|2~0~0||99|||||102|SHRD||SH|STND|20.01||||39|398692|SIMPLE|173a9268801b66cdac4a1bbe6430b137|1269799|T|1b3814dfc98b4495220e3ecb1ff1ee6f",
            "transferDetails": [
            		"type": "FLIGHT",
            		"direction": "ARRIVAL",
            		"code": "XR1234",
            		"companyName": "null"
    "clientReference": "BOSTON#12-203#456754",
    "welcomeMessage": "Welcome Mr. John Doe",
    "remark": "Booking remarks go here."

This will confirm only one service.

Confirming multiple ratekeys (services)

Useful to confirm roundtrips or confirm twice the same service in case the requested paxes can't fit in one service (vehicle).

    "language": "es",
    "holder": {
        "name": "John",
        "surname": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+16543245812"
    "transfers": [
            "rateKey": "ARRIVAL|IATA|BCN|ATLAS|398692|2024-01-11|03:25|2024-01-11|03:25|2~0~0||99|||||102|SHRD||SH|STND|21.74||||39|398692|SIMPLE|7152346f9266ec84477e88405ab3a3f0|1269799|T|1b3814dfc98b4495220e3ecb1ff1ee6f",
            "transferDetails": [
            		"type": "FLIGHT",
            		"direction": "ARRIVAL",
            		"code": "XR1234",
            		"companyName": "RYANAIR"
            "rateKey": "DEPARTURE|ATLAS|398692|IATA|BCN|2024-01-15|03:25|2024-01-15|03:25|2~0~0||99|||||102|SHRD||SH|STND|21.74||||39|BCN|SIMPLE|b0abec268a99c5d615c22b696dfec96e|1269799|T|1b3814dfc98b4495220e3ecb1ff1ee6f",
            "transferDetails": [
            		"type": "FLIGHT",
            		"direction": "DEPARTURE",
            		"code": "XR1234",
            		"companyName": "IBERIA"
    "clientReference": "BOSTON#12-203#456754",
    "welcomeMessage": "Welcome Mr. John Doe",
    "remark": "Booking remarks go here."

Note, all ratekeys confirmed in same request will have same booking reference

Post Booking Operations

Once you have confirmed bookings, there's a series of operations that can be performed:

  • BookingDetail : To retrieve the information of a specific booking.

  • BookingList : To retrieve booking list of a specific dates range.

Bear in mind that you will need the booking HB reference of the bookings you carried out to perform post booking operations.

Booking response example

When the confirmation of a rateKey is successful; the booking reference is provided, along with key information of the booking, which includes:

  • Transfer service confirmed, with its locator
  • Holder and pax confirmed
  • Rate confirmed with the confirmed amounts and dates

Please make sure to keep the HB booking reference of all bookings performed with your credentials, as they are needed for post booking operations such as modification or cancellation.

Response parameters




RS Element Top level
RS/bookings Array of booking elements List of bookings.
NOTE: in confirmation step you'll always will receive only one booking in this array.
RS/bookings/booking Element Booking information
RS/bookings/booking/reference String

Booking reference. Format: XXX-XXXXXX

RS/bookings/booking/creationDate Date Booking creation date.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Booking status.

RS/bookings/booking/modificationsPolicies Element Information regarding the allowed modifications to the booking
RS/bookings/booking/modificationsPolicies/cancellation Boolean Indicates if the booking can be cancelled
RS/bookings/booking/modificationsPolicies/modification Boolean Indicates if the booking can be modified
RS/bookings/booking/holder Element Booking lead passenger/holder information
RS/bookings/booking/holder/name String First name of the lead passenger
RS/bookings/booking/holder/surname String Last name of the lead passenger
RS/bookings/booking/holder/email String Lead passenger contact email
RS/bookings/booking/holder/phone String Lead passenger contact phone number
RS/bookings/booking/transfers Array of transfer elements List of reserved transfer services
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer Element Information of one reserved transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/id Int Transfer service id code
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/direction String

Direction of travel. Possible values:

RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/status String

Transfer service status.

RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/transferType String

Transfer type. Possible values:

RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/vehicle Element Information of the vehicle
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/vehicle/code String Vehicle code id
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/vehicle/name String Vehicle name
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/category Element Service category information
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/category/code String Category code
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/category/name String Category name
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation Element Information regarding the pickUp locations
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/from Element Information regarding the pickUp origin location
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/from/code String Code of the pickUp origin location
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/from/description String Description of the pickUp origin location
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/from/type String

PickUp origin location code type. Possible values:

  • IATA
  • PORT
  • GPS
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/to Element Information regarding the pickUp destination location
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/to/code String Code of the pickUp destination location
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/to/description String Description of the pickUp destination location
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/to/type String

PickUp destination location code type. Possible values:

  • IATA
  • PORT
  • GPS
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/date String Pickup date
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/time String Pickup time
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup Element Information of the pickup
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/address String Physical address of the pickup
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/number String Number of the address of the pickup
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/town String City name of the address of the pickup
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/zip String Postal code of the address of the pickup
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/description String Pickup description an instrucctions to reach the place
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/altitude String Elevation from sea level
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/latitude String Latitude data for geolocation
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/longitude String Longitude data for geolocation
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/checkPickup Element Further instructions in order to confirm the exact pickup time



Indicates whether the user needs to confirm exact pickup time on external website

RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/checkPickup/url String

URL the user needs to visit in order to confirm pickup time

 RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/checkPickup/hoursBeforeConsulting Int

Indicates how many hours before the service, the pickup time will be available on the website

RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/pickupId Int
  • NEW: The information of this tag has been deprecated in the current API, the response will always be null
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/stopName String
  • NEW: The information of this tag has been deprecated in the current API, the response will always be null
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/pickupInformation/pickup/image String Image/map to help locate the pickup
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/paxes Array of pax elements Collection of passengers in the reservation
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/paxes/pax Element Passenger information
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/paxes/pax/type String

Passenger type. Possible values:

RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content Element Static information of the transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/vehicle Element Information of the vehicle used in the transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/vehicle/code String Vehicle code used in the transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/vehicle/name String Name of the type of the vehicle used in the transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/category Element Information of the category of the transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/category/code String Category code of the transfer service
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/category/name String Category name of the ttransfer service category
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/images Array of image elements List of transfer pictures
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/images/image Element Image information
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/images/image/url String Path of the picture file
RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/images/image/type String

Type name of the picture.

  • NEW: The image size will be unique regardless the value selected:

    • SMALL
    • MEDIUM
    • LARGE
  • RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferDetailInfo Array of transferDetailInfo elements Collection of detailed information about the transfer
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferDetailInfo/transferDetailInfo Element Transfer detailed information
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferDetailInfo/transferDetailInfo/id String Information id
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferDetailInfo/transferDetailInfo/name String Information name
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferDetailInfo/transferDetailInfo/description String Details and information on the transfer
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferDetailInfo/transferDetailInfo/type String

    Transfer detail info type. Possible values:

    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/customerTransferTimeInfo Element
    • NEW: The information of this tag has been deprecated in the current API, the response will always be null
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/supplierTransferTimeInfo Element
    • NEW: The information of this tag has been deprecated in the current API, the response will always be null
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferRemarks Element  Transfer service remarks
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferRemarks/type String

    Remark possible values:

    • AGENCY
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferRemarks/description String  Remark content
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/content/transferRemarks/mandatory Boolean  Mandatory remark
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/price Element Price information of the transfer service
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/price/totalAmount Double Total amount of the booking
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/price/netAmount Double Net amount of the booking
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/price/currencyId String Currency
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/rateKey String Does not apply on Booking response
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/cancellationPolicies Array of cancellationPolicy elements List of cancellation policies applied to the transfer service
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/cancellationPolicies/cancellationPolicy Element Information of the cancellation policy
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/cancellationPolicies/cancellationPolicy/amount Double Amount to be charged in case booking is cancelled after the date specified in the '@from' field.
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/cancellationPolicies/cancellationPolicy/from String Date from which the amount will be charged, format ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ)
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/cancellationPolicies/cancellationPolicy/currencyId String Currency
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links Array of link elements Information on the navigation links available from the current operation
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link Element Link information
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link/rel String Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document/resource
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link/href String Specifies the path of the resource the link goes to
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link/method String HTTP method
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/factsheetId Int Content card number associated with the transfer, identifies the relationship between type of vehicle, type of service and type of transfer
    RS/transfers/transfer/transferDetails Array of transfer details elements Information about the ride from which the transfer will pick up passengers.
    RS/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail Element Ride information
    RS/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/type String Ride type. Possible values:
    • FLIGHT
    • CRUISE
    • TRAIN
    RS/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/direction String Ride direction. Possible values:
    RS/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/code String Ride identification number(e.g., flight number)
    RS/transfers/transfer/transferDetails/transferDetail/companyName String Indicates the name of the company which operates the ride transport. NOTE: Normally used in ship transports.



    Source market emergency number

    ookingRS/bookings/booking/clientReference String Client internal booking reference
    RS/bookings/booking/remark String Comments.NOTE:The character limit in this field is 2000 characters.
    RS/bookings/booking/invoiceCompany Element Element that contains information about the invoice company
    RS/bookings/booking/invoiceCompany/code String Code of the invoice company
    RS/bookings/booking/supplier Element Supplier information  
    RS/bookings/booking/supplier/name String Supplier name
    RS/bookings/booking/supplier/vatNumber String Supplier VAT number 
    RS/bookings/booking/totalAmount String Total amount
    RS/bookings/booking/totalNetAmount String Total net amount
    RS/bookings/booking/pendingAmount String Pending amount
    RS/bookings/booking/currency String Currency
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links Array of link elements Information on the navigation links available from the current operation
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link Element Link information
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link/rel String Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document/resource
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link/href String Specifies the path of the resource the link goes to
    RS/bookings/booking/transfers/transfer/links/link/method String HTTP method
        "bookings": [
                "reference": "102-14536491",
                "bookingFileId": null,
                "creationDate": "2023-11-24T11:32:41",
                "status": "CONFIRMED",
                "modificationsPolicies": {
                    "cancellation": true,
                    "modification": true
                "holder": {
                    "name": "John",
                    "surname": "Doe",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "+16543245812"
                "transfers": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "rateKey": "ARRIVAL|IATA|BCN|ATLAS|398692|2024-01-11|15:25|2024-01-11|15:25|2~0~0||99|||||102|SHRD||SH|STND|20.01||||39|398692|SIMPLE|173a9268801b66cdac4a1bbe6430b137|1269799|T|1b3814dfc98b4495220e3ecb1ff1ee6f",
                        "status": "CONFIRMED",
                        "transferType": "SHARED",
                        "vehicle": {
                            "code": "SH",
                            "name": "Shuttle"
                        "category": {
                            "code": "STND",
                            "name": "Standard"
                        "pickupInformation": {
                            "from": {
                                "code": "BCN",
                                "description": "Barcelona Airport",
                                "type": "IATA"
                            "to": {
                                "code": "398692",
                                "description": "Lugaris Rambla",
                                "type": "ATLAS"
                            "date": "2024-01-11",
                            "time": "15:25:00",
                            "pickup": {
                                "address": null,
                                "number": null,
                                "town": null,
                                "zip": null,
                                "description": "\nIMPORTANT NOTE: CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN TERMINAL 2B from OCT '22 - APR '23. Please proceed to the FROM2 office located in the Departures Area. Once you reach check-in desk 71, continue past the construction works and on the left-hand side of the escalators, opposite the construction, you will find the FROM2 office.  \n\n\nNote: To check the drop off / pick up point assigned to your hotel, please access: and navigate to “PLEASE CLICK FOR DIRECTIONS TO HOTEL/PICK UP POINT”\n\nFINDING YOUR DRIVER\n\nTERMINAL 1\nApril - Oct: Exit INTO the arrivals hall, turn right and make your way to the Catalonia Tourism office. You will find a From2 representative (orange t-shirt) that will assist you in finding the From2 office. If there is no representative visible please wait for a few moments as they may be returning to the terminal from the coach park.\n\nNov - Mar: From2 desk is located in TERMINAL 2B, opposite desks 95 - 97. Follow the airport signs to the downstairs exit door. Take the FREE GREEN TERMINALS SHUTTLE BUS to TERMINAL 2B\n\nTERMINAL 2\nFrom2 desk is located in TERMINAL 2B, opposite desks 95 - 97.\n\nIf you arrive at Terminal 2B exit into the arrivals hall and make your way to From2 desk.\nIf you arrive at Terminal 2A exit the terminal building and make your way to Terminal 2B.\nIf you arrive at Terminal 2C exit the terminal building and make your way to Terminal 2B.\n\nIdentify yourself by showing this confirmation to your Supplier, for whom we act as a booking agent.\n\n\n\nDIFFICULTY IN LOCATING YOUR DRIVER\nContact your supplier for assistance. Do not leave without having contacted your supplier on +34 937672836 first.\n\nThere may be a wait for your shuttle at the airport as they run on a schedule. (Maximum wait time 1 hour from the moment you meet the driver/representative). In event you are delayed during the arrival process you must contact the supplier.\n\n Please note shuttles will not stop at private addresses/villas and may not offer a door to door service.",
                                "altitude": null,
                                "latitude": 41.3989153,
                                "longitude": 2.20509,
                                "checkPickup": {
                                    "mustCheckPickupTime": true,
                                    "url": "",
                                    "hoursBeforeConsulting": null
                                "pickupId": null,
                                "stopName": null,
                                "image": null
                        "paxes": [
                                "type": "ADULT",
                                "age": 30
                                "type": "ADULT",
                                "age": 30
                        "content": {
                            "vehicle": {
                                "code": "SH",
                                "name": "Shuttle"
                            "category": {
                                "code": "STND",
                                "name": "Standard"
                            "images": [
                                    "url": "",
                                    "type": "EXTRALARGE"
                                    "url": "",
                                    "type": "LARGE"
                                    "url": "",
                                    "type": "MEDIUM"
                                    "url": "",
                                    "type": "SMALL"
                            "transferDetailInfo": [
                                    "id": "0",
                                    "name": "transfertime",
                                    "description": "50 min. Estimated journey time",
                                    "type": "GENERAL_INFO"
                                    "id": "1",
                                    "name": "minpax",
                                    "description": "1 passenger(s) minimum",
                                    "type": "GENERAL_INFO"
                                    "id": "2",
                                    "name": "maxpax",
                                    "description": "99 passenger(s) maximum",
                                    "type": "GENERAL_INFO"
                                    "id": "3",
                                    "name": "luggage",
                                    "description": "suitcases permitted",
                                    "type": "GENERAL_INFO"
                            "customerTransferTimeInfo": [],
                            "supplierTransferTimeInfo": [],
                            "transferRemarks": [
                                    "type": "CONTRACT",
                                    "description": "\nIMPORTANT NOTE: CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN TERMINAL 2B from OCT '22 - APR '23. Please proceed to the FROM2 office located in the Departures Area. Once you reach check-in desk 71, continue past the construction works and on the left-hand side of the escalators, opposite the construction, you will find the FROM2 office.  \n\n\nNote: To check the drop off / pick up point assigned to your hotel, please access: and navigate to “PLEASE CLICK FOR DIRECTIONS TO HOTEL/PICK UP POINT”\n\nFINDING YOUR DRIVER\n\nTERMINAL 1\nApril - Oct: Exit INTO the arrivals hall, turn right and make your way to the Catalonia Tourism office. You will find a From2 representative (orange t-shirt) that will assist you in finding the From2 office. If there is no representative visible please wait for a few moments as they may be returning to the terminal from the coach park.\n\nNov - Mar: From2 desk is located in TERMINAL 2B, opposite desks 95 - 97. Follow the airport signs to the downstairs exit door. Take the FREE GREEN TERMINALS SHUTTLE BUS to TERMINAL 2B\n\nTERMINAL 2\nFrom2 desk is located in TERMINAL 2B, opposite desks 95 - 97.\n\nIf you arrive at Terminal 2B exit into the arrivals hall and make your way to From2 desk.\nIf you arrive at Terminal 2A exit the terminal building and make your way to Terminal 2B.\nIf you arrive at Terminal 2C exit the terminal building and make your way to Terminal 2B.\n\nIdentify yourself by showing this confirmation to your Supplier, for whom we act as a booking agent.\n\n\n\nDIFFICULTY IN LOCATING YOUR DRIVER\nContact your supplier for assistance. Do not leave without having contacted your supplier on +34 937672836 first.\n\nThere may be a wait for your shuttle at the airport as they run on a schedule. (Maximum wait time 1 hour from the moment you meet the driver/representative). In event you are delayed during the arrival process you must contact the supplier.\n\n Please note shuttles will not stop at private addresses/villas and may not offer a door to door service.",
                                    "mandatory": true
                        "price": {
                            "totalAmount": 20.01,
                            "netAmount": 0.00,
                            "currencyId": "EUR"
                        "cancellationPolicies": [
                                "amount": 20.99,
                                "from": "2024-01-10T00:00:00",
                                "currencyId": "USD",
                                "isForceMajeure": false
                        "factsheetId": null,
                        "arrivalFlightNumber": "XR1234",
                        "departureFlightNumber": null,
                        "arrivalShipName": null,
                        "departureShipName": null,
                        "arrivalTrainInfo": null,
                        "departureTrainInfo": null,
                        "transferDetails": [
                                "type": "FLIGHT",
                                "direction": "ARRIVAL",
                                "code": "XR1234",
                                "companyName": null
                        "sourceMarketEmergencyNumber": "34871180153",
                        "links": [
                                "rel": "transferCancel",
                                "href": "/booking/en/reference/102-14536491",
                                "method": "DELETE"
                "clientReference": "BOSTON#12-203#456754",
                "remark": "",
                "invoiceCompany": {
                    "code": "E14"
                "supplier": {
                    "name": "HOTELBEDS SPAIN, S.L.U",
                    "vatNumber": "ESB28916765"
                "totalAmount": 20.99,
                "totalNetAmount": 20.99,
                "pendingAmount": 20.99,
                "currency": "USD",
                "links": [
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/booking/en/reference/102-14536491",
                        "method": "GET"
                        "rel": "bookingDetail",
                        "href": "/booking/en/reference/102-14536491",
                        "method": "GET"
                        "rel": "bookingCancel",
                        "href": "/booking/en/reference/102-14536491",
                        "method": "DELETE"
                "paymentDataRequired": false

    Post Booking Operations

    Once you have confirmed bookings, there's a series of operations that can be performed:

    • BookingDetail: To retrieve the information of a specific booking.
    • BookingCancellation: To cancel a booking.

    Bear in mind that you will need the booking reference of the bookings you carried out to perform this operation