
Pickup time possibilities Transfers logo icon

How times must be requested

  1. Origin airport (or train station) - destination hotel / port / train /airport >>>
    Flight arrival time (train) always, we DO NOT calculate Pick up time, we return the one informed by you as arrival time.

  2. Origin hotel - destination airport or train >>>
    We calculate it, we (or the provider afterwards especially in shared) depending on the flight departure time (train), is NOT the time desired by the client.

  3. Origin hotel - destination port >>>
    IS the time desired by the client, not the time of departure of the ship and we DO NOT calculate the pick up, because for the cruises boarding takes several hours, the customer can choose when he wants to go.

  4. Origin port - destination hotel / airport >>>
    IS the time desired by the client, not arrival of the ship (cruise), We do not calculate pick-up since, just like boarding, disembarkation lasts several hours, the client can choose to get off before or after.

See full table :

From ATLAS/GIATA (HB hotel codes / GIATA hotel codes)

fromType toType RqTime PickupTime
ATLAS/GIATA IATA Flight Departure time It will be calculated.
ATLAS/GIATA TRAIN Train Departure time It will be calculated.
ATLAS/GIATA PORT Pickup Time It will be desired pick-up time.

From GPS

fromType toType RqTime PickupTime
GPS IATA Flight Departure time It will be calculated.
GPS TRAIN Train Departure time It will be calculated.
GPS PORT Pickup Time It will be desired pick-up time.

From IATA (Airport code)

fromType toType RqTime PickupTime
IATA ATLAS/GIATA Flight Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.
IATA GPS Flight Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.
IATA TRAIN Flight Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.
IATA PORT Flight Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.

From train station

fromType toType RqTime PickupTime
TRAIN ATLAS/GIATA Train Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.
TRAIN GPS Train Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.
TRAIN IATA Train Arrival time It will be the arrival time indicated.

From port

fromType toType RqTime PickupTime
PORT ATLAS/GIATA Vessel Arrival time It will be desired pick-up time.
PORT GPS Vessel Arrival time It will be desired pick-up time.
PORT IATA Vessel Arrival time It will be desired pick-up time.

Returned pickup time options

Usually the pickupTime will be returned in the availability, but in some cases, the time could be null.

For cases pickupTime is null:

  • If “mustCheckPickupTime” is true, you must show the final client the “checkPickupinformation, before he confirms, saying they must check the website before x hours of the service date in order to see the confirmed pickup time.

  • Or the pickupTime is null, the “mustCheckPickupTime” is false in the “transferRemarks” it will specify how the time must be checked, could be calling a phone number, or the provider will contact the client hotel in order to confirm the time for.


IF(services[x].pickupInformation.time = null) {



    IF(services[x].pickupInformation.pickup.checkPickup.mustCheckPickupTime = true) {

        Display “The pickup time will be provided in...pickupInformation.pickup.checkPickup.url @ value” “…pickupInformation.pickup.checkPickup.hoursBeforeConsulting @ value” hours before the departure.

        For example “The pickup time will be provided in https: // 36 hours before the departure.



Remember that in case of returning “mustCheckPickupTime = true” the website information must be shown in the voucher, also, the transfer remarks always need to be also shown, before confirmation and must be present in the voucher.